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Personal psycho-energetic consultations on your problem

This is a careful guiding of the Soul on Earth. Each of us is born and grows up in a society where there are many restrictions and limits. All this forms our personality, which over time comes to the fore and begins to actively manage our consciousness and our life. Due to distortions, limits, believes, and ignorance, our Soul loses the strong voice it had at birth, and we start to hear only our head instead. We cannot be in harmonious relationships, easily get money, be in a healthy body, and move joyfully through this life without apathy and negativity. A personal consultation is aimed precisely at starting to hear the voice of your Soul and Heart again, getting rid of negative attitudes and blocks, and starting to live your best life with ease and joy. If you are here, it is not a coincidence.


Problems we can work with

Relationships, love. We work with self-esteem and harmonious balance in relationships, we stop getting into codependent and abusive relationships.

Finance. We will work with blocks and limiting beliefs, rewrite poverty programs, and clear the money channel.

Self-confidence, mindfulness and openness to the world. Learn to trust the Universe, to be in a state of peace and relaxation. Remove blocks and negativity.

Soul mission on the Earth. Your spiritual path and tasks. Let's consider where it is better to express yourself, and what blocks it. Let's connect your soul, spirit and body.

Health. Get to know the Energy causes of your illness. Cleaning your energy, rewriting negative scenarios, energy practices for healing the body, theta meditations with getting necessary energies.

Emotional and mental blocks in various spheres of life. We remove blocks and harmonize your feelings. We build new neural connections in your brain.

Negative influences. We will find and define the reasons of this negative influence. We will choose the best way to get rid of, and fill in the space with new positive energies.

Any of your situations. Let's take a deep look at the energetic causes of the situation, the probability of changing it and do the work.

What is included in the consultation

1) Diagnostic session  - conversation with the analysis of your request/problem

2) Creating a plan for independent practices

3) Additional practices and/or meditations to solve your problem

Price: $100

Duration: 1-1.5 hours


Additionally, I will make a video/audio recording of our meeting and send it to you in a private message.


Registration with 100% prepayment

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